Ripple HVAC Toolkit Beta Test Access

AutoZoning and VAV AutoSelect

Real VAV selections and schedules automatically.

  • Zone AHUs and VAVs automatically based on Space parameters and adjacencies.
  • Use Price Industries’ cloud based selection software to automatically select VAVs.
  • VAVs remain linked to selection software and can be easily updated as changes occur.


Automated Diffuser Selection and Layout

Consistent layouts in less time.

  • Select diffusers straight from the manufacturer’s catalogue.
  • Automatically align diffusers with ceiling grid.
  • Addresses spaces of any orientation and shape.
  • Automatically push shared parameters to off brand diffuser types.
  • Automatically separate unique diffuser options for scheduling.

Heating and Cooling Loads Toolkit

Faster loads, fewer errors.

  • Complete and accurate heating and cooling loads with a single click of a button.
  • Place meaningful spaces that encompass the entire building envelope.
  • Automatically assign ASHRAE 62.1 space types based on architectural room data.
  • Pull internal loads directly from the electrical and architectural models.
  • Use IECC code minimum thermal properties for envelope constructions.

Thanks to our sponsors, all Ripple software is offered for free.

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